What are black seeds? 

The tiny, black, thick shaped cumin seed is most commonly referred to as ‘black seeds’ or ‘black cumin seeds’. They are slightly curved with a rough distinct texture that makes them unique and easy to identify.One of the most intriguing seeds is the black cumin seeds. Its health benefits have remained a mystery for many years and now scientists are beginning to recognize them. This seed originally comes from Egypt.


They grow in a small pod and to get them out water must be poured over it. So why is this so-called black cumin a fascinating spice? The reason for this is that it contains a substance called crystalline nigellone. It also has 100 other chemicals which help your body in many other ways.You may or may not have heard of Black seed (Nigella sativa) before. It goes by many names, including black caraway, Roman coriander, and black cumin, to name a few. But no matter what you call it, these seeds are loaded with health benefits that we are only beginning to understandThe black seed has been around for ages, yet people are only now starting to learn about it.


It’s surprising to know how few are aware of its properties and benefits, however, I will do my best to enlighten you with what I’ve learned from studying this miraculous herb.Black seeds (from the Nigella sativa plant) have shown tremendous use and effectiveness against a variety of complications and issues, ranging from skin complications to fungal infections.You may know black seeds from a variety of different names, depending on which part of the world you’re in or from.Black seed oil, in fact, was found in Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb, dating back to approximately 3,300 years ago. In Arabic cultures, black cumin is known as Habbatul barakah, meaning the “seed of blessing.” It is also believed that the Islamic prophet Mohammed said of it that it is “a remedy for all diseases except death.”Here are some health benefits of black seed


 Parkinson’s Disease

In a study published in Neuroscience Letters, an extract from black seeds, thymoquinone, was shown to protect the neurons in the brain from toxicity associated with Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

2. Post-Surgical Scar Prevention

If you have ever had surgery of any kind, you know that the scars it can leave behind are terrible. Black seed has been found to protect skin surfaces from the typical scarring or adhesion formation that occurs after surgery.

3 Treats Stomach Issues

If you are struggling with indigestion, bloating, excess flatulence or any other stomach problem, black cumin seed oil can help, due to its function as a carminative. It has also been linked to more efficient digestion, lowered levels of constipation, the elimination of parasites, and even a decreased risk of colon cancer.

4.  Helps with Hypertension

Black sees have been shown to have an anti-hypertensive effect, according to a 2008 study published in the Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology Journal. Daily use of black seed extract over the two month study period had significant blood pressure lowering effects for those subjects who had mildly high blood pressure.  This might be due to the seeds’ ability to lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and improve overall heart health. To reduce hypertension, ask your doctor if 100 to 200 g of black seed extract twice a day might be right for you. Never stop taking your regular medication or take any supplement without consulting your doctor.


Black seed oil is very known for its health benefits and people nowadays are using this product a lot.Black seed oil is derived from the Nigella sativa plant and is also commonly known as black oil or black coriander oil. As a member of the buttercup family, this plant produces small black seeds that can be pressed to extract the valuable oil, which has been used in culinary and medicinal uses for thousands of years, dating all the way back to ancient Egypt. As one of the oldest and most potent health oils available, there is a good reason why it has become a cure-all for a huge range of conditions.


The potent effects of this seed oil are attributed to its numerous fatty acids, including palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and myristic acids, as well as thymoquinone, crystalline nigellone, various minerals, vitamins, active ingredients, and antioxidants.In my country is little difficult to find black seed oil so I ordered from Amazon and my family loves it.If u want to order too you can find here94abb2fe7d7d914c862b63d6ef630b0e



  • 60-gram cashews
  • 40-gram macadamia’s
  • 40-gram black seeds
  • 3 cm piece fresh ginger (about 20 gram)
  • 80 gram dried apricots
  • ⅛ teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup (optional)
  1. Roast the cashews and macadamia’s until they’re golden brown and fragrant. Set aside in a bowl to cool.
  2. Then roast the sesame seeds in a pan until they’re fragrant. Set aside in a bowl to cool.
  3. Put all the ingredients, except the sesame seeds and maple syrup, in a food processor and blend. It may take a while for the mixture to become one ball and sticky, up to 4 minutes.
  4. If it takes more than that, or if the mixture isn’t sticky enough, you may want to add a little bit of maple syrup to make it stickier.
  5. With wet (!) hands, form 12 balls. Roll them through the roasted sesame seeds to finish them.
  6. Store for up to 2 weeks airtight in your fridge.DSC_0105DSC_0099

75 thoughts on “BLACK SEEDS”

  1. Love this post! I’ve researched this online in the past and there are over 100 white papers on black cumin with proven scientific benefits. At one point in recent history Nestle had to make a public statement that there were not trying to get a ‘patten’ to the seed in one of their products. That was interesting. I’ve been dying to try this for awhile because it is one of the most researched (yet unknown in the states) homeopathic resources . The only thing is (I’ve found during my studies on it) how it is processed makes a difference in its medical value. There was one place I believe in the Philippines that had a good product but can’t remember the name for the life of me now. If I do I will come back and share 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  2. What a fabulous blog you have! I’m so happy I found you. 🙂 I’m going to dive into your wonderful posts and try your recipes and learn something new, thank you for sharing. 🙂 ❤
    Best regards, Dina x

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